My Second Lung Cancer Report

woe is me, boo hoo
woe is me, boo hoo

Dr. M came to my house as I am on palliative care. Not my choice of words.

So for 15 minutes, we have a polite duel.
He has his agenda and I have mine. Who wins?
Me-I wanted to show you a few things . what no time and you’re late?
Dr.-He was on his cell phone calling. Julian, a home care worker in my building, came up from his second floor office. Their interaction was overly loud, likely to deter any  opinion I could possibly insert.
They wanted to get me extra $ for food. I knew the answer. It only works if you don’t eat. Fabulous I still eat.
Ensure? I know the answer for that. TOO much SUGAR. Dr.M a little sugar won’t hurt. He told me I was wasting.
Julian- No she is very good and won’t eat that.
Me- good boy Julian, silently.
Me- Look at this. it’s great (go to web site that never comes up.)
 Dr.-Got to go.
Me-Wait I have 5 lumps.
Dr.-Show me as he leans afar, oh lymph nodes, show your oncologist, what will she do? This was a conversation he mumbled to himself.
Me-I know the answer for that. CHEMO
Dr. Lingus, per last visit, the Oncologist-You’re  doing good,   keep doing what you’re  doing.
Finally they left. It felt like a herd of elephants.
Oh dear I thought one good report , one not so and the eye Dr. reported advanced.
Fear and sadness in a black bubble swallowed me.
Things to do:
1. still need to order Simpson oil. The company disappeared. They had several ID’s. Fishy?
2. Get phone , over a week now at Healer’s.
3. Work more on inner beliefs and change.
4. Buy a new camera card.  My camera takes a miniature version and it popped out at high speed.
5. Get oil , harder than I thought, can’t find site??
6. Send signature to
  • Spent far too much time looking for this, camera  card, found it hooray. Fell asleep, woke up, where did I put it? many more hours searching, no luck.
Oh my I’ feel like I’m going to sleep.
perhaps I can finish as many things to do as I can. Get signature made and find link. Hurry!

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